Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where/How to see DARK MIRROR!

UPDATE 2: This is an outdated entry. For the latest info for how to see Dark Mirror, please go here (Where to Watch). 

Originally, this entry was necessary to explain the very complicated process involved in watching Dark Mirror (check out the instructions below for a good laugh. It's a lot easier now.


UPDATE: After a very long run (extended a few times) and breaking all kinds of records for IFC Films, Dark Mirror is no longer available OnDemand.

The good news is... 
Dark Mirror will be available on DVD on November 3rd! (and you can pre-order it now).

If you live in LA and can't wait that long, there will be a screening at the Mann Chinese on October 14.


Dark Mirror is available on IFC On Demand from May - Aug, 2009!

To Watch:
Turn on your Cable TV and choose ON DEMAND, then IFC FESTIVAL DIRECT, then MOVIES, then IFC IN THEATERS.

Cable TV operators that carry IFC On Demand:
* Bright House
* CableVision (On Demand, also on Ch. 508)
* Comcast (Ch. 1)
* Cox (Ch. 1)
* Time Warner (Ch. 1)

IFC On Demand is not yet available on Direct TV, Verizon Fios, Dish Network, or other cable providers not listed above. Note that IFC On Demand is different than the IFC Channel.

Just to clear up some confusion...

"Dark Mirror" is NOT playing on the IFC Channel.
It's available through your Cable TV provider through "ON DEMAND" when you choose the following: "IFC FESTIVAL DIRECT" > "MOVIES" > "IFC IN THEATERS."

"Dark Mirror" is NOT playing just in LA.
You can watch it On Demand anywhere in the U.S.

"Dark Mirror" is NOT playing just on May 6.
You can watch it anytime between May - Aug, 2009.

Watching "Dark Mirror" On Demand is like watching it on TiVo or on DVD. You can select it one day & finish watching it another day.

And if you don't have IFC On Demand, we strongly encourage you to organize a viewing party with a friend who does!

We hope this clears up any confusion.

Please click on the link below if you still have questions!

"Dark Mirror" On Demand


  1. it is no lopnger on demand. Where can it be seen now??????

  2. I'm honestly not sure if it's still playing OnDemand or not. It was doing so well that they extended the run, but you'll have to dig through the menus of IFC OnDemand, or IFC InTheaters, or IFC FestivalDirect, or IFC Midnight—different providers have it in different sections (they don't make it easy, do they).


    I know it's a long time to wait, but... it's coming out on DVD in November!

    Stay tuned for more info.

  3. Does anybody know the name of the song during the end credits?

  4. Oops! Hi Justin, a little late, I know, but here's a post just for you http://darkmirrormovie.blogspot.com/2010/08/end-title-music.html
